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Wrong Bias - Edition 1 - March 2023

Full Playing Member
Means a person who engages in the playing and non-playing rights and privileges of being a member of the Club.

Life Members
May be playing or non-playing members who have rendered outstanding service to the club. 

Limited Playing Members
Can only play at Whitby in designated events, and are not eligible to play in club championship matches and galas or represent the Club in Inter-club, Pennants and Centre events. Are entitled to participate in clubhouse and social activities.

Non-playing Members
Are entitled to participate in social and clubhouse activities, but may not participate in any bowls events.

Casual Members
Can participate in certain designated events only at Whitby and on a pay per game basis.

Definition - A Junior
Is any player whose club membership does not exceed a total of five years. "A membership year" is the period extending from 1 October in any year to 30 September in the following year.

Membership Notes:

  • All subscriptions are due on or before 30 September each year.

  • It helps the Club a great deal if members make prompt payment of their subscriptions well ahead of the 30 September deadline.

  • It also helps to use the preferred payment method of Internet Banking. The Club's ANZ account number is: 01-0505-027-4058-00

  • New members joining the Club are required to pay their subscription within one month from the date of their election to membership.

  • A non-subscribed member cannot take part in any Club game.

  • Resignations should be addressed to the Secretary.

Membership Card
To satisfy the requirements of the Sale of Liquor Act, all members must carry their Membership Card with them at all times whilst at the club and any other Bowling Club that they are attending. Members must remain with any guests that they may invite into the club.

Annual Fee
Full Playing Member
Full Playing Member - Year 1
Student (up to age 18)
Limited Playing Member
Non-playing Member
Casual Member
Fee per game

Health and Safety
The Board has developed Health and Safety policies and procedures. The key components of the H & S policy are:


  • The Policy Statement

  • H & S Plan

  • Hazard Identification

  • Recording of Accidents and Incidents

  • Emergency procedures

  • Event Management


Copies of the Club's Health & Safety Manual are located on the main noticeboard in the Clubrooms and in the Match Room. Serious incidents should be notified to the Health & Safety Officer immediately or if not available contact a Board Member. All completed Incident and Hazard forms should be pinned next to the Health & Safety Manual located on the Noticeboard.

The Club possesses an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) which can be found outside on the Bowling Green side of the Clubrooms. The Access code is C1010.

Kitchen and Cleaning
The Kitchen is under the control of Linda Earle. There may be a number of events, such as Centre and Special Events, which will require a dedicated team. You may be asked to assist on these occasions.

During the week, the Green will generally be ready for play by 10 am.
Should a member wish to play earlier than this, then please contact Glen Closhan to ensure the Green is available.
On the weekend, when early starts are required, the green will be ready for play by 8.45 am.

There are occasions when the Green may require application of critical sprays which can cause some disruption to the scheduled playing calendar and access to the Green. The Green Keeper will endeavour to minimise any inconvenience, however, as it is not possible to pre-schedule critical spraying requirements, some disruption is possible.

Notice of Disruption
On those occasions when the Green will be closed for longer periods, this will be noted on the "blackboard" in the window of the Match Room.

Care of the Green

Considerable costs in money & working hours are incurred through maintenance & improvement of our Green. Members will be aware of the hours of effort put in by our Green Keeper and it is expected that every member will back up the efforts of the Green Staff by preventing unnecessary damage.

There will be times when the Green will come under pressure from 'heat stress'. Continuing to play on when the Green is under pressure, can cause lasting damage to the Green. If you have concerns contact the Green Keeper or discuss the options with experienced Club members.


Please play your part by...

  • • Avoiding feet scuffing.

  • • Not dumping bowls on delivery (scuff marks in front of the mat will indicate this is happening).

  • • Placing & using scrims correctly when conditions deem them necessary- take care with the pins. Check the Blackboard for all Notices of Playing conditions. 

  • • Observing the 'no driving' embargo when conditions deem it necessary.

  • •.Not dropping bowls instead of placing them and jacks either at the start of play or when preparing for the next end.

Green Set-up & Clearing
Due to our small numbers, we require all playing members to assist in the Green set-up at the beginning of the day. Check the Blackboard for directions of play and the coloured markers to be used, and put out all the equipment required for the day's play. This includes the Club flag.

Similarly, at the end of play, please assist in bringing in all equipment.

Any club playing member is able to come down for a Club Day - please ensure the Green is open and then set up the rink under the directions of the Blackboard.

The assistance and co-operation of all members is appreciated.

Players' Dress Code
The laws of the game lay down strict rules for dress in competition play which must be observed by all members. As an affiliate club of the Wellington Centre, we must adhere to all the rules and procedures of the Centre, including those relating to dress.


Club uniform must be worn at all events except as noted in the Club Programme.

The Club has a uniform consisting of a blue and white shirt, navy blue pants or shorts and navy blue jacket. The uniform is sponsored by Jennian Homes and their branding appears on the shirt and jacket.


The uniform must be worn at Inter Club, Pennants, Centre Events, Club Championships, Galas and other events at other Clubs when uniform is required.

Some initial latitude is extended to 'first year players' provided correct footwear is worn.

It is an integral part of the game to observe and practice correct etiquette towards those with whom you are playing, whether fellow team members or opponents.


The laws of bowls are quite specific on such matters as unseemly and derogatory comments and deportment on the Green.


The maxim is to be gracious in defeat and humble in victory.


It is desirable that all players arrive at least 15 minutes before the commencement time of their scheduled game.

General Conditions of Play
Laws of the Sport of Bowls and  Domestic Regulations apply.


Players must conform to the General Conditions of Play as detailed within this section and any further conditions set out in the programme or entry sheet for specific events.


Before members enter their names to play in competitions, they must ensure their availability on the dates the games are scheduled (including specified postponement days) and should bear in mind playing dates may be amended or altered by the Match Convener or Committee.


Members must be aware that by entering a Club Championship they are thereby committing themselves to represent the Club at the relevant Centre Champion of Champion event.

Playing Priorities
Centre Events take precedent over all Club events.


Club Championships take precedent over any event held by another Club


All members should note that if a team-member elects to play in an outside game when Club Championship games are scheduled (including postponement days) no substitute or replacement will be approved.


Members must not enter any Club competition if they are not going to be available on the dates scheduled.


Subject to the Match Committee's consent, in certain circumstances, rounds of any competition may be played on days other than those set down in the programme. In all cases agreement must be reached with the opposing Skip who has the right to require the round to be played on the date posted on the draw sheet. In general, the Match Committee consent will not be withheld if the game is played before the date set out on the draw sheet and is in the correct sequence as shown on the draw sheet.


If a player or team is not present within 10 minutes of the time arranged for the commencement of the game, the offending party may lose the game

by default.


For any game (arranged in own time) the skips are responsible for contacting his or her opponent to arrange a suitable time for play and a marker.

Composition of teams

All team members must be full subscription playing members of the Whitby Bowling Club.

Game format

4 bowls
21 shots (score)
3 bowls
18 ends
2 bowls
18 ends
2 bowls
16 ends

Depending on the number of entries, it will generally be expected that Pairs, Triples & Fours will play 3 games per day. Singles may play up to 4 games.


The format and draw for each Championship event will be determined by the Match Convener. It is proposed that all Club Championship events will be completed within 2 days. This may include qualifying on Day 1, with finals being played on Day 2.


A default will be awarded against any player or team not present on the rink of play 10 minutes after the scheduled start time.


The 'start time' for the 'first game' is the 'Time' as stated on the match draw. The Event Calendar shows an unofficial start time which may not agree with the match draw.


For subsequent matches it will be at a time stated by the tournament manager of the day.


An Official entry form will be posted in the Clubrooms no later than 3 weeks before (unless otherwise arranged) the scheduled start date of the Competition. Members can use the Entry Form on the Club Website if they wish.


The close off for entries will be at 5pm on the day specified.


Late entries will be accepted on the basis that they will be included in the tournament only if there are vacancies.


The Club reserves the right to ask for extra entries to avoid byes.

Teams listed in the Draw
Should there be a 'variation' to the Team listed in the Draw, then the Tournament Manger must be advised no later than 30 minutes prior to play commencing.

Original Team
An Original Team shall consist of the players whose names are entered on the Score Card for the first game in a tournament.


If an Original Team Member is unable to play at any time, including the first end of the first game, for a reason accepted as valid by the Controlling Body, then a Substitute shall be permitted and their name shall be recorded as a Substitute for the absent Team Member.

Changes to Original Team Members
If an Original Team Member is unable to continue playing in a tournament for a reason accepted as valid by the Controlling Body, and unable to return before the completion of the tournament, their place may be taken by a replacement player who may play in any position and shall have the same rights as an Original Team Member.


The appointment shall be subject to approval by the Controlling Body, and the replacement player shall be: 

(a) Equal to, or less than, the playing ability of the Original Team Member who is unable to continue;

(b) Whenever possible, a player who has not already participated in the tournament; 

(c) A player who satisfies the eligibility requirements for Team Members as stated in the Conditions of Play;

(d) Only one replacement player per Team shall be permitted per tournament;

(e) Players shall not be transferred from one Team to another.

A Substitute means a player temporarily filling a position for an absent Team Member.

A substitute may play in any position other than Skip with the exception in a Graded Event i.e. Club Championships, when a substitute graded Skip shall play as Skip.

Substitute Approval

(a) The use of a Substitute is subject to the prior approval of the Controlling Body for the tournament;


(b) A substitute would normally be considered for a valid reason including (but not limited to): bereavement of a close family member, Jury Duty, Bowls NZ duty, or illness. 


Other exceptional circumstances may also be considered. However, a Substitute shall not be permitted if a Team Member enters another tournament scheduled to play at the same time and/or entered knowing that they will be away for one or more of the programmed days.               


(c) Only a Fours Team may contain a Substitute and a replacement player simultaneously;


(d) A Triples or Pairs Team shall be permitted one substitute or one replacement player, but not

both simultaneously.


(e) If the player for whom a substitute was approved later becomes available, the player shall, with the consent of the Controlling Body, re-join the team at the completion of any end;


(f) No Substitute or change of personnel shall be permitted in any Singles game, except that in any Singles Match a Substitute or replacement player may be permitted to play in any Singles game;

(g) A substitute Team Member must be approved when a player has qualified or been selected for a Centre or Bowls NZ tournament.

Qualifications of Appointees
A Substitute approved by the Controlling Body shall be:

(a) of playing ability equal to, or less than, the Team Member who is absent;

(b) A player who has not already participated in the tournament; 


(c) A player who satisfies the eligibility requirements for Team Members stated in the Conditions of Play;

(d) Where it is not possible to satisfy the above requirements, the Controlling Body may appoint any suitable player to act as Substitute;


(e) Players shall not be transferred from one Team to another.


Awarding of Trophy

The awarding of a trophy will be to the original team whose names are entered on the Score Card for the first game in a tournament.


However, if an original team member is replaced i.e. not substituted then that player is recorded as the winner of that event.

Trial Ends

Before the start of the first game of the day, or before continuing an unfinished game on another day, or before a Club Championship final, one trial end should be played in each direction.

Footwear & Clothing


Approved bowling footwear must be worn. Club uniform must be worn for all Club Championship games, (but see below).


A new Club member will be given some leeway in obtaining the full club uniform. In the meantime they must wear white or neutral colours.

Cancellation of Play

If a day's play is to be canceled before the scheduled start time, the match Convener/ Tournament Manager, as the case may be, will attempt to contact the various Skips. It will then be up to each Skip to contact the team members.

Champion of Champion Events

Members entering Club Championship events must be aware that if they win the event, they MUST BE AVAILABLE for the equivalent Centre, Champion of Champion event.


All Miscellaneous events will have a Tournament Manager, who will be responsible for the conditions of play, draw and any matters relating to the event.


Dress code is Club Uniform unless otherwise specified.


Where appropriate in the events listed below, the team that plays the `last game` of the Tournament, will be deemed to be the Tournament team


Thursday Galas: 
These are run every 2nd Thursday throughout the season – Any Combo, 3 bowls


Miscellaneous Galas: 
Normally `sponsored galas` - any Combo Triples -3 bowls - Mufti


Brown Cup: 
Any Combo Pairs – 3 bowls - played over 2 sets of 6 ends - Mufti


ZIP Cup: 
Any Combo Triples – 3 bowls – played over 10 ends - Mufti


Holman Trophy: 
Played between the Junior Men & Ladies – format of the games will be dependent on the number of entries. Mufti


Over 60’s Drawn Pairs (Men’s & Ladies)
All entrants to be Over 60 at the first scheduled playing day. Once entries have closed a `blind draw` will be made in regard to the formation of each team - the Men & Ladies each play a separate competition. Games will be over 12 ends – 3 bowls - Mufti


Handicap Singles: Ladies and Men Combined.
Once entries have closed, each club member in the draw will have a handicap allocated to them by the Match Committee. This handicap will range between 0 and 12 and will be based on the Club member’s ability in relation to other bowlers. Each game will be played with 4 bowls each, over 21 ends – Mufti


Whitby Singles Classis 6 x 9: 
This event is restricted to 24 Whitby players. – 4 bowls – 6 ends each game - it is run in sections - `one power play` end is available to each player during each game. Mufti

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